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Developments December 2022

News  — Thu 1 Dec 2022

The last update of this year. Yes, really. It's already December ❄️🎄. But this month too will no doubt fly by like it's just a week.

In the previous post, it was revealed that there were no more sensational developments planned for this year. With good reason. This period is busy enough as it is for entrepreneurs.

Of course, that doesn't mean we should be idle altogether at Daxto. And so we have done no such thing. We are using this time to streamline small details. The proverbial dotting of the i's where they were still missing. That's what has been quietly made available to everyone this time around. Meanwhile, we're saving the bigger steps for a while until the new year.

For now, on behalf of Daxto, we wish everyone a very merry month. Make it warm and cozy. See you in 2023!