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Official opening

News  — Mon 1 Aug 2022

Hooray! 🎉🎂 It is that time; August 1st. Daxto 3 is officially open as of today!

And why today? Here's the thing; Daxto has been around since 2006. That was version 1 back then. Years later we arrived at version 3. Version 3 has been developed behind the scenes in the past 2 years. Currently, Daxto 3 is a rock-solid replacement for its predecessor. But not only that, Daxto 3 already has many new features that were not there before. This is therefore the perfect time to make Daxto 3 available to everyone as a public beta.

And now? Well, that's the good news! Regular improvements and additions will continue to be made. We ourselves have already added many new ideas to our wish list in recent times. We would also like to hear from you. What do you think of Daxto 3? As of this official opening, team Daxto will focus on these two points in the coming time.

And if we don't work on those two points, then of course we will work on Daxto Professional. The third edition. That one, of course, is scheduled to be opened next.