As a business, you have one or more financial accounts. When you start with Daxto, you will be asked to add a financial account. Want to add more accounts, make adjustments or add more details to the account? Then (if you are logged in) go to Menu → Accounting → Financial accounts. Or click here.
Financial accounts overview
You have now arrived at the financial accounts overview where you will see all the accounts you have added and where you can also start adding new accounts. From this page you can edit or view any of the existing accounts by clicking on the purple link or in actions on the or . To add a new account click Add a financial account.
Add a financial account
On this page you can start filling in everything needed for your financial account. For extra help, you can always lean on one of the with your mouse cursor, or take another look at this article. Below, we're going to explain step by step what you can fill in for each field.
Financial account typeFrom a dropdown menu you can choose the following accounts:
- Other
- Bank account
- Cash register
- Creditcard
- PayPal
- Payment provider
- Cash
- Bitcoin wallet
Enter the name of the bank or service, for example PayPal.
Account identifierYou can enter the account identification here, for example the bank account number. You will also see this later in the overview.
Provider countryThe country where the provider is located. A dropdown menu allows you to choose the country that applies.
Account holderThe name of the person to whom the account belongs, usually a person or organization.
IBANThe IBAN number of the bank account. The account ID is overwritten by this number. If there is no IBAN number, for example in the case of a cash register, you can leave this field blank.
Short descriptionTo clarify, you can for example enter here that it is a savings account.
BIC/SwiftThe account's BIC number, also known as Swift number.
Don't forget to click the Save button so that everything you have entered is also saved. After you have saved you will return to the accounts overview.
Add transactions
To add transactions click on the number or name of the account or on the -button. This will take you to a new page that is currently empty, but where you will soon see all added transactions. To start, click the Add transactions button.
On yet another new page, you are given the following options to choose from:
- MT940 import
- Manual entry
By uploading an MT490 file from your device, you can import all your bank account transactions very easily. Click Start to import a file. Then select the appropriate file on your device and click Import.
Manual entryIf you want, you can enter transactions manually. Just make sure you are very accurate and do not enter anything twice. Below we explain how to enter transactions manually.
- Type: has the amount been received or paid?
- Moment: copy the date and time you see on the bank statement. The date and time affect the transaction order by day. You can fill in the date field in different ways, such as writing the months in full, abbreviated, or using numbers.
- Amount: enter the amount of the transaction.
- Their account name: the name mentioned with the transaction on the bank statement.
- Their account number: copy the account number as you see it on the statement.
- Transaction description: you can copy the description from the statement, or you can choose to enter something yourself here for clarification.
As an additional help, you will see the last three transactions at the bottom of the page. This can be helpful to see which transaction to enter next.
Be sure to double check if you have filled in everything and then click Save.
Connect transactions
When you have added transactions you can connect them to the correct invoices. For each financial account you have added you will see an overview of all transactions. Click Add connection to connect the transactions.
First, you choose whether to connect the payment to a sales invoice, a purchase invoice or a category. For a sales or purchase invoice, you get a dropdown menu with all outstanding invoices. As soon as you have made a connection, this invoice number disappears from the list. If you have chosen a category you get a list of all existing categories.
Optionally, you can add a comment for clarification. Finally, enter the amount and click Save when everything is completed. If you want to change anything you can always edit the link by clicking this button: . Or you can delete the link using this button: .
Multiple connections per payment can be added if, for example, there is a payment difference. In that case, choose Category → Betalingsverschillen. Then enter the amount of the payment difference. The entire amount is now connected.
Filtering transactions
At some point the list of transactions will be of such length that it becomes more difficult to keep track. In that case, you can filter to show a lot fewer transactions. At the top of the transaction overview page you will see a dropdown menu with a number of options to choose from:
- All transactions
- Unconnected transactions
- Incomplete transactions
- Unconnected and incomplete transactions
Once you have made your selection, enter the period you would like to see, for example, January 1, 2025 - February 1, 2025. You can also click the calendar icon and choose from one of the periods you see in the dropdown menu. Next we arrive at the search field. Enter the name of the transactions you want to see, for example, "Phone Subscription". If you do not want to use the search function you can also leave this field blank. Finally, you can choose how many results you want to see on a page. You can choose between 10, 25, 50 or 100 results. Once you have chosen everything, click Filter and only the transactions you want to see will be displayed.
If we go back to the financial accounts overview you will also see the Cash flow report button. If you click on the button you get an overview with all amounts credited and debited of all financial accounts together and also per account. To view a specific period you can enter a period yourself or choose a period by clicking on the calendar icon . Then click on Filter to see all transactions from your chosen period.
Want some more explanation of the terms you see on this page? Then click 'Add additional explanation' and a list will appear explaining the columns.