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Distribute results

Accounting  — Wed 1 Jun 2022

During year-end closing, your Daxto assistant creates a memorandum booking. This booking collects the outstanding result (profit or loss) of the selected fiscal year. This is expressed with two lines: 'resultaat openstaande boekjaren' and 'onverdeeld resultaat'. Finally, you will see a third line. Just after your assistant created the entry, it also has 'onverdeeld resultaat' as its category. What you are going to change is the category of the last line. But let's have a look at what it looks like just after your assistant has created it:

Category VAT Debit Credit
Resultaat openstaande boekjaren No € 100.00 € 0.00
Onverdeeld resultaat No € 15.00 € 0.00
Onverdeeld resultaat (you're going to change this one) No € 0.00 € 115.00
    € 115.00 € 115.00

Tip for a rare situation: if you only see two lines in total, and therefore only one 'Onverdeeld resultaat', change that line. That's always the bottom one.

How you are going to adjust that last rule exactly depends on your situation. For example, the legal form of your business and your partners or shareholders, if you have any. This is because you are going to divide the total result. Which is € 115.00 in this example.

Unincorporated legal forms

This is how you divide results in a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, VOF or CV.

Suppose you are the owner of a sole proprietorship, and you work alone, then it is easy. In that case, under your name, you change the bottom line from 'Onverdeeld resultaat' to 'Kapitaal'. For example, 'Ondernemingsvermogen' → 'PrivĂ©' → 'Bart' →'Kapitaal'.

Category VAT Debit Credit
Resultaat openstaande boekjaren No € 100.00 € 0.00
Onverdeeld resultaat No € 15.00 € 0.00
Kapitaal No € 0.00 € 115.00
    € 115.00 € 115.00

If however, you have a partner in your business, you probably want to split the profits 50/50. You can then add a fourth line. The first you set to your own capital, the second you set to your partner's capital. You divide the € 115.00 by two, which equals € 57.50 and you enter that amount in each of the capital lines under 'credit'.

Category VAT Debit Credit
Resultaat openstaande boekjaren No € 100.00 € 0.00
Onverdeeld resultaat No € 15.00 € 0.00
Kapitaal (partner 1) No € 0.00 € 57.50
Kapitaal (partner 2) No € 0.00 € 57.50
    € 115.00 € 115.00

Incorporated legal forms

This is how you divide results in a BV, NV, Association, Foundation or Cooperation.

Tip: Some associations or foundations have limited legal capacity. Does that apply to yours? If so, use the example above for unincorporated businesses anyway.

Suppose you are the director in a limited liability company. In other words, a BV. Then you can move the profits to 'Ondernemingsvermogen' → 'Reserves' → 'Winstreserve'. This is how it is done:

Category VAT Debit Credit
Resultaat openstaande boekjaren No € 100.00 € 0.00
Onverdeeld resultaat No € 15.00 € 0.00
Winstreserve No € 0.00 € 115.00
    € 115.00 € 115.00

You are supposed to prepare financial statements after the entire result (i.e. profit or loss) has been distributed correctly. Does your company have an AVA? Then please keep reading.

In fact, some companies with a legal form from this group have a general meeting of shareholders (AVA). In that meeting it is mutually decided how the result of the fiscal year will be divided. If that has already been discussed, then the result can be divided immediately as discussed in the AVA. Even after the decision in the AVA it is possible that (part of) the result will be booked to 'Winstreserve'.

Save and proceed with the year-end closing

A quick check to see if it all worked out can be done directly in the memorandum booking. The left debit column has a total at the bottom. The total of the right credit column must be exactly equal to this. So in these examples it is € 115.00 for both columns, as you see on the bottom check line. Are they both equal and therefore balanced? Perfect. Do not forget to save the memorandum booking.

If you want to optionally check this further manually, you can consult the balance report. If you set it to the last day of the fiscal year you want to close, the categories 'Resultaat openstaande boekjaren' and 'Onverdeeld resultaat' should both be zero. The profit has 'moved' to your chosen category or categories. This optional manual check is not necessarily required. In fact, your Daxto assistant will check it as well. If it didn't quite work out, then you will hear about it.

Finally, this memorandum booking can be closed. You can now go to the next step of the year-end closing, in which your Daxto assistant will help you again.